Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hamburgers & French Fries Watch 12/29/10

Hamburger Watch - Day 63
French Fry Watch - Day 42
Mold Watch (in baggies) - Day 17

One thought keeps coming to mind as I continue on with this experiment... "Have it your way." Do you remember that Burger King jingle?

You really can do a lot of different things with a simple burger or fries, regardless of where it came from or who prepared it. Whether you want it to last for years or just for days before it is overcome by mold. I believe the original "Terry Guinn Hamburger Experiment" has reached its climax... But I have been surprised before. We will keep watching the fries, as we will watch everything and perhaps there is some excitement left there. As for my sealed burger and fries, the french fries have been overcome by a white fuzzy mold that continues to spread. It also has a small area under some of the white fuzz that is turning green. In the sealed burger, I see what I believe to be signs of mold starting to sprout.

The sealed burger and fries have been a bit of a surprise to me in that, based on everything I have seen on the internet, I really expected the burger to be overtaken by mold first. I guess you really can't believe everything you read or see on the internet. LOL

Below are the current pictures of my hamburgers and french fries.

Next update... Next year on Wednesday, 1/5/10

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