Saturday, October 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Hamburgers!

My hamburgers turned two years old October 26, 2012. The french fries are not far behind, with twentyone days until they become two year old. And last, but not least, the burger & fries in the baggies will turn two years old in fortysix days. 

AND, where you might ask do I keep my collection of burgers & fries?  They are kept in my basement office with a box over them to keep away any bugs... Although I doubt any creature would find them appealing.  

Just a refresher:
The reason for the project was that someone had introduced a McDonald's burger at a presentation and claimed that it was many years old. I found it hard to believe that the burger hadn't molded. 
I started this project with four hamburgers to see what would happen over time to these burgers. A McDonalds, Wendy's and Burger King burger, plus a burger from my own grill.   It grew to a curiosity about french fries. Again, I picked up fries from McDonalds, Wendy's and Burger King, plus fries of my own. Lastly, out of boredom (almost no mold), I picked up a burger and fries from McDonald's and stored them in baggies. 
The burgers and fries left out, dried out, with only three very small spots of mold between them. The burger and fries in the baggies had different results. The fries in the baggie molded completly and the burger molded in many spots and changed color. 
Results: The burgers and fries left out, no matter where they were from (including my own) dried out. The burger and fries in the baggies retained their moisture and molded as a result. 

AND, why you may ask do I keep them? Because I can! I plan to pass them on to my children if they want them and my wife continues to let me keep them . LOL  

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